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How many times have you let an unknown caller go to voicemail, ignored an email from a random sender, or turned down coffee with someone you know wants something? Time is limited. But what if someone was willing to pay you for your time and attention. How much would you charge? Someone out there is willing to pay you for it. MeetPete is an online marketplace that monetizes people’s most valuable asset, their time. Users create profiles, link their social media accounts and decide how much they would charge for their time. MeetPete users’ profiles can be searched and filtered.


Imagine a world where companies can easily gain market research by filtering users and paying for their attention, universities can bring experts from anywhere in the world into the classroom, and book clubs can get their most debated questions answered by the author. The opportunities for connection are endless. It becomes possible for everyone to meet with anyone, all for an agreed upon price. Meetings can be arranged for phone or video conference. Users are verified and peer reviewed. Their contact information is kept confidential.


MeetPete creates a bridge between every user and becomes the gatekeeper. It monetizes the barriers we create to protect our time and provides the platform for people to connect over any topic.

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